February 13, 2007

If you love it, then live it...

Lately I have been reflecting on my love for playing and listening to great jazz music as one of my passions in life. When one is passionate about a pursuit or interest, there has to be a committment there to back up the talk. For me, as a person who has a full-time day job, and is learning jazz guitar on the side, along with trying to be a good father and husband, I need to discipline myself to practice each and every day.

Practice is not instantly gratifying, but, if done consistently and effectively it definitely pays off...

A lot of the exercises my guitar teacher had (and has me doing) don't always seem to make sense in the short term, but eventually, once practice time has been devoted consistently enough, there will come some epiphanies and "a ha!" moments, where we (and hopefully others also) experience the fruits of our labors...

Here's to practicing, working at, and immersing ourselves in the music we love!



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